Leaky Faucet Repair, Chula Vista CA
Client Residential Client
Completed July 2021
Timeframe Same Day Service
Location Chula Vista CA
Repaired leaking faucet. Our customer had a dual sink with two identical faucets, however only one was leaking. In order to keep costs down, we determined that the best course of action was to attempt and fix the one that was leaking. We were able to replace the cartridge and it no longer leaks. In most cases the best solution is to replace the faucet, however, since this customer had two identical faucets we attempted to fix them instead of replacing them. The reason we attempted to fix the faucet first was that if we replaced the faucet then they would have mismatched faucets and would like to have to replace the other one for a matching set. In this case, we were able to successfully fix the faucet, but sometimes that’s not always the case.